Symposium's organization > Local organization committee
Académie des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres du Bénin (ANSALB)
- Norbert Hounkounnou (Chairman of the NASAC_Network of African Sciences Academies)
- Nazaire Padonou (ANSALB's chairman)
Université Abomey Calavi
- Ezinvi Baloitcha (International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications (CHAIRE UNESCO ICMPA))
- Nicaise Ndam (IRD representative in Benin)
- Bellinda Hounmasse (Executive Officer - Human Resources and Contracts Manager - IRD Representation in Benin)
- Rita Saudegbe (Communication and Scientific Culture Officer - IRD Representation in Benin)
- Alexandre Bouniol (Cirad representative in Benin)